It is best to consider some of the possible symptoms of infertility before the parenthood planning stage in a relationship. For one thing the symptoms may point to underlying problems which need to be treated with either surgery or medication, before conception is likely to take place.
Many symptoms of infertility in both men and women may go unnoticed and are difficult to diagnose without a full medical work up including blood, urine and semen tests. However, there are many symptoms of infertility which are obvious and should ring warning bells if you are hoping to have a family in the not too distant future.
Sex Distant Disease
In women these are:
- Menstrual problems - irregular (i.e. less than 9 times a year) or non-existent periods. Amenorrhea or absence of periods may be caused by hormonal problems, being over or under optimum weight, excessive physical exercise, endometriosis (uterine tissue growing outside of the womb), uterine fibroids or a defective or damaged reproductive system.
- If your period is irregular or particularly heavy or light and combined with severe pelvic or lower back pain, it is time to see a doctor.
- Hormonal problems - the symptoms of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) might manifest in excessive female hairiness, acne, oily skin and hair, overweight and insulin resistance.
- A history of miscarriage, STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), anorexia or frequent urinary tract infections.
- Inability to conceive after a year or more of frequent unprotected sex.
In men symptoms of infertility could be:
- Premature or retrograde ejaculation
- Frequent impotence
- Smoking
- Alcohol or substance abuse
- Mumps-related sterility
- Age related problems.
- The biggest obstacle to male fertility, i.e. sperm quantity and quality, usually needs to be tested by a doctor.
If you or your partner suffer from any of the above symptoms, please schedule a medical check up as soon as possible. It could make the difference between being fertile, sub-fertile or infertile.
Overt Symptoms of Infertility
Pete Steel is a herbal remedy researcher who became interested in herbal cures for infertility; this became a serious study of reported remedies and causes. Read more about symptoms of infertility here.
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