It is not against the law for you to work as a sex worker. Prostitution is against the law when
two or more people work out of the same place and it is not a licensed brothel. The police
can charge you if you are seen to be working with other sex workers and you are not in a
licensed brothel. BUT it is against the law for a person to allow any person under 18 into a
place used for prostitution including a licensed brothel.
It is still an offence to publicly solicit for "immoral purposes" (for example, hanging around a
street corner trying to find a client). It is not against the law for you to work out of your own
home BUT you are not allowed to advertise this.
You can legally carry as much safe sex material as you wish (like condoms). You do not
have to answer any questions if the police question you, BUT you should give your correct
name, age and address.
If you are under 17 and working as a sex worker the police or Child Safety Services may
decide that you are in need of protection and apply to the court to make Child Safety
Services your guardian. Get legal advice if you think this may happen to you. There are
safety and health issues for people working as sex workers.
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